by bradross | May 19, 2019 | Articles
A lot of overachievers tend to become perfectionists at a young age when time demands whether for hobbies, school, or an after-school job start to pile up. As a kid you may be able to maintain being a perfectionist but as an adult it gets more difficult....
by bradross | May 7, 2019 | Articles
I was talking with a private coaching client earlier this week about one of the key relationships we must always keep our eye on, and that is between Profit & Planning. This is the key to BALANCE in our business as independence entertainers & entrepreneurs....
by bradross | May 6, 2019 | Articles
My favorite 4 letter word? Peaked your curiosity??? Four little letters that are oh so important. No, LOL, its not what you think… It’s TOMA Top of Mind Awareness. It’s the ability to embed yourself so thoroughly the minds of your prospects and...
by bradross | Apr 16, 2019 | Articles
I was having a conversation with a coaching client today and he posed a problem… “How do I know what my customers need?” Okay lets get one thing straight here… People don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want. If you give people...
by bradross | Apr 13, 2019 | Articles
Solopreneurs and small business owners are unique in that they don’t have to answer to anyone for their time except the occasional hourly client. This gives you plenty of freedom and allows you to live your life on your own schedule. If you want to take a day...
by bradross | Apr 10, 2019 | Articles
Sometimes, procrastination is caused because your business isn’t organized. You put off starting a task because you can’t find the materials you need or you aren’t sure when that appointment was scheduled or when your next invoice is due to be sent. As a solopreneur...
by bradross | Apr 9, 2019 | Articles
Welcome back to PROCRASTINATION WEEK here at The Magic Marketing Center! Yesterday we talked about Understanding YOUR Procrastination Style. If you missed that article… you can read it HERE on the Blog. Today we’re going into part 3… How to Stop...
by bradross | Apr 8, 2019 | Articles
Welcome back to PROCRASTINATION WEEK here at The Magic Marketing Center! Yesterday we talked about WHY Procrastination CAN be a good thing. If you missed that article… you can read it HERE on the Blog. Today we’re going into part 2…...
by bradross | Apr 8, 2019 | Articles
Welcome to PROCRASTINATION WEEK here at The Magic Marketing Center! That sounds kinda funny, I’m totally serious! I have found that more & more people suffer from procrastination – especially as we all are being pulled in so many direction. So each day...
by bradross | Mar 20, 2019 | Articles
As entrepreneurs we often have no problem jumping head first into our business, working long hours, and keeping things running through sheer force of will. Unfortunately, even small business owners with the highest levels of willpower and determination will reach a...