A lot of overachievers tend to become perfectionists at a young age when time demands whether for hobbies, school, or an after-school job start to pile up. As a kid you may be able to maintain being a perfectionist but as an adult it gets more difficult. Perfectionists struggle with creating a healthy work life balance, so let’s look at some things you can do.
Perfectionism behavior is self-destructive and addictive, but you won’t likely stop to question the faulty logic that drives it and creates unbalance and unrest in your life, because it is unattainable. Perfectionism isn’t self-improvement, it’s about looking after your reputation. You are motivated to please others rather than yourself.
The trouble is that perfectionism paralyses your life. You miss out on all kinds of opportunities both at home and at work because you are too afraid that you will be less than perfect. Ironically we live in an imperfect world, where you are struggling to be perfect. As a result you miss out on important family events like your kid’s soccer game because you are too busy focusing on perfectionism with work and that draws you away from your family and creates an unhealthy work life balance.
Worse still, perfectionism does not go away when you get home. Now everything you undertake in your home life is also affected by your need for perfection and this directly impacts your ability to be relaxed and happy in what you are doing. You are too busy assessing and weighing the risks before jumping in, because you need to ensure you will maintain your perfectionism. It’s sad, because this behavior causes you to lose out on so many important things in your life.
It’s not always possible to break the habit of perfectionism without professional help. It’s worth the effort to do so because with a better work life balance comes more happiness and joy. Try it!
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