Welcome to PROCRASTINATION WEEK here at The Magic Marketing Center! That sounds kinda funny, I’m totally serious!
I have found that more & more people suffer from procrastination – especially as we all are being pulled in so many direction. So each day this week I’m going to give you some strategy & methods to beat procrastination.
Sound good? Let’s DIVE IN!
What’s Your Procrastination Telling You?
You should be writing your new book…
You should be editing your sales copy…
You should be working on your website launch…
You should be reaching out to past clients through your newsletter….
You should be recording the first few episodes of your podcast…
But you’re doing not these tasks.
In fact, you find a million reasons not to do them. You tell yourself you’ll come back to it later. You decide that now’s the perfect time to update all your social media profiles with a fresh avatar. While you’re at it, you pause to clean out your inbox because it’s overflowing with messages.
Next thing you know, the day has ended. As your head hits the pillow, you remember you still haven’t conquered the task that’s nagging at you. You’ll get it tomorrow you tell yourself but the next day, you’re doing the exact same thing.
Avoiding tasks you should do is known as procrastination. Most “solopreneurs” and small business owners like us, think that procrastination is a bad thing. You might believe that, too. But procrastination is actually a valuable warning signal.
You take your car to a mechanic for evaluation when you see the “check engine” light and you should do the same thing with procrastination. When you first feel it, you need to slow down and evaluate what’s really holding you back.
Procrastination is inner resistance. It’s a sign that your subconscious is speaking and you need to listen. Often, procrastination is telling you one of these things:
You’re ready to change direction.
**Maybe you originally started your business so you could amaze people wit your incredible close up magic, but to make ends meet you have been stuck doing birthday parties forever. You’ve come to realize that your current client isn’t a good fit.
Maybe you started doing parties because you needed the cash. Now you find yourself procrastinating and wondering why you can’t “just do it” or why you’re bored!
Your work no longer challenges you.
You use to feel energized by your work. It was a challenge and you loved it. But now, that’s changed. You’ve been doing one thing for so long that it no longer excites you and this makes you realize you’re bored with your current gigs.
You’re afraid of success or failure.
At the root of procrastination, some solopreneurs and small business owners find they’re afraid of success or failure. That’s because success and failure represent change and change feels scary. You worry that if you succeed, you won’t be able to duplicate your success. You fret that if you fail, you’ll be embarrassed and disappointed.
When you’re tempted to procrastinate on a project of any kind, don’t give into the urge and fill the rest of your time with distracting activities. Instead, try to find a quiet place where you can journal your thoughts.
Give yourself permission to listen to your subconscious mind as your hand moves across the page. You’ll be surprised at how clearly you can hear your subconscious when you pause to listen.
Journal Your Thoughts
1. What activities in your business do you do, when you find yourself procrastinating?
2. What are some projects or clients you took on that weren’t a good fit for your business? Looking back, did you spend a lot of time looking for ways to avoid these projects?
Have these answers ready for tomorrow when we dive into Understanding Your Procrastination Style
Do What You LOVE
& LOVE What You Do!