Birthday Mom’s Survival Guide


Our make Celebrity instant Author Kits can be some of the fastest ways for you to dominate your market and make a lot of extra money per show.But these aren’t just photocopied instant author kits which have flooded our industry over the past decade.


Our make Celebrity instant Author Kits can be some of the fastest ways for you to dominate your market and make a lot of extra money per show.But these aren’t just photocopied instant author kits which have flooded our industry over the past decade.

you see the really be seen as a celebrity author and the leader in yoour market, you must have an actual hardcopy Book or e-book for immeddiate download.

You see, when you’re an author, and I mean a REAl author, with a real book, people view you and treat you as a celebrity. i’ll be totally hones with you. you don’t NEED us to help you with this. You can hire professionals to create a real book for you, or you can do it yourself. It’s gonna take several months minimum,and several thousand bucks to do it, but YOU CAN INDEED do it.