The Personal Touch.

If you are like most of us, there are a ton of emails coming in everyday.  Piles of mail & voice mail messages to return.  It’s impossible to keep up with it all and sometimes overwhelming.

Well, your prospects and clients are feeling the same thing. And unfortunately, you are probably not the highest on their list of priorities.

So how do you cut through the clutter and get heard?

I’ll be unpacking this more throughout the week, but one of the easiest methods is to personally contact someone.

In fact, with email and all of the other media being thrown at people nowadays, a handwritten note is an incredible tool.

When was the last time you received a handwritten letter?  It’s probably been awhile but I’ll bet you opened it and read it!

And I’m not talking about a sales letter in hand-written font.  Or a “Send Out Card” that was computer generated and sent from halfway across the country.  Or a cleverly mail-merged “personal” sales letter.  Sure, they have their place, but…

The power this technique holds is amazing.

Think about it, if you have a client that you haven’t heard from in awhile, write him or her a note to say you’re thinking about them.

How about an agent that hasn’t booked you in a year?  Write them a note to say hi.

I admit, I’ve been re-miss at keeping up my schedule with these but I still send out at least 10 hand-written notes a week.  And these are in addition to my hand-written thank you’s after shows.

Try sending out 5 notes a day to past clients or potential clients.

Five a day works out to around 20 minutes of my time.  I can certainly afford to spend that as an investment into my customer base.  They’re certainly worth it.  I mean how many chuncks of 20 mins do we WASTE reading about other people’s lives on Facebook a day?!?!?

So try it.  Try it for two weeks or so and see what it brings.

You may also find the additional benefit it brings of reminding us why we do this stuff in the first place – PEOPLE.

It’s easy as marketers to get caught-up in marketing to groups.  “I have to get out a school show mailing.”  Or, “I need to book some trade shows.”

No, we really need to contact a person.  An individual.
The biggest successes I have had in my career from
cruise ship contract to theme parks, high end corporate events
and right down to my touring dates in big theaters and the world tour
I did with Disney for 6 years…


This may seem elementary.  But thinking in one-on-one tone in our marketing, the talking to only one person at a time, is the marketing that works.  Our prospects need to believe that we are talking directly to them.  And this technique will help.

Give it a shot. 🙂