Julian Franklin & Jack Turk Interview


Jack Turk Interviews Julian Franklin This item along with ALL JULIAN FRANKLIN PRODUCTS are available ONLY through MakeMagicMoney.com




Jack Turk Interviews Julian Franklin – Recorded in the summer of 2008, Jack and Julian discuss the ins and outs of word of mouth marketing. Marketers have long contended that Word of Mouth (WOM) is the best advertising that you can’t buy. But there are way to affect the behavior of your customers and clients in a way that you CAN stimulate WOM and in many cases you can actually CONTROL the WOM message. Because you are dealing with psychological principles, there are important subtleties, but once you understand how to craft the right message and deliver it in the right way within the right context, your advertising expenses will drop while your sales steadily climb.

Having written over 20 books, produced several audio programs, and authored hundreds of published magazine articles, Julian Franklin abilities and knowledge are well renowned around the world, as an authority in marketing, business and educational assembly programs.