Hope you’re having a beautiful Saturday.
I’ve spent most of my day playing catch up in the office and focusing on some upcoming marketing projects.
Today’s message is almost a no-brainer… but then again, we all need a kick in the butt to refocus us on priorities.
One of the biggest challenges as an entertainer is visibility. Its about getting your name out there and being accessible for prospective clients.
The marketing process is extensive, involved, and … frankly… must be the top priorities for any magician or show business entrepreneur.
You have to have a great act. That’s critical. But if you don’t deliver, you won’t have satisfied customers…who’ll say great things about you… who’ll tell their friends… and so on and so forth.
But you can’t ignore marketing. It’s crucial.
If no one knows you exist, they won’t call or email. And in fact, they’ll miss out because if you are a talented and professional entertainer, someone could well wind up with someone not so skilled and not have the best experience.
That’s bad for them and it’s bad for magic.
Hence the critical nature of marketing. It’s not only critical to keep the engine of your business going, it’s the morally right thing to do.
When I coach my clients who are professional speakers, I make the point that speakers not only have the right to sell product at the back of the room, they have the moral obligation to do so. Why? Because no one’s life gets changed in a 60 minute talk. Your life gets changed by consistent and dedicated application of real world, solid success principles.
Likewise, as a quality entertainer, you have a moral obligation to let as many people as possible know the level of service and professionalism you provide.
There’s no reason that your potential customers should have to settle for something less. In fact, it’s darn near a crime should they have to do so.
So if you find yourself self with a bit of extra time this weekend – bust out a yellow pad and pen and sketch out some fresh ideas on how you plan to let your customers know how much you care and how well you can solve their problems this year.
It’ll be time well spent on a good cause.
And if ya need some extra inspiration check out the replay of the presentation I gave the other night for the International Brotherhood of Magicians Lecture Series. I gave away 3 important secrets of marketing yourself as a magician & show business entrepreneur. Check it out by clicking this link: https://www.facebook.com/IBMMAGIC/videos/2465352613757978