So the Oscars blockbuster blunder is what everyone is talking about… they gave the Oscar to the WRONG MOVIE… then caught the mistake… and had to re-award it all on LIVE TV …broadcasting TO THE WORLD!!!! And we get upset when a postcard mailing doesn’t result in more bookings or when we flash a card or a gimmick in a routine. LOL
So what does this MASSIVE MISTAKE have to teach us… actually A LOT about failure & how we overcome it & move forward. Cause chances are you have made mistakes and will make more… so will I 🙂 Let’s eliminate this stigma that often comes with failing.
It’s all about Overcoming Failures to Reach Success.
The word failure is often used to describe a situation in which your desired goals were not realized at a specific point in time. There are many reasons that could have played a part in your goal not being realized and absolutely none of them have to do with your value as a person.
Let’s break down some of the ideas behind unhealthy views of failure and see how taking a more positive approach can help you realize success:
* If you are trying out for the local town basketball team and you don’t make the cut, this doesn’t make you a failure. It simply means that under these specific circumstances, the coach didn’t believe that you possessed the necessary skills to play on this particular team at this point in time.
* What much of the pain stems from when not reaching a desired goal is your attachment to outcomes. If you define your own value and worth as a person by whether or not you make a sports team, you’re setting yourself up for that ugly seven-letter word.
* It is for this same reason that those who value trying their best regardless of the outcome have more confident and unwavering views of themselves.
* You too can have this view when you realize that you’re not responsible for certain outcomes after you do everything in your power to achieve them.
* If you’re not currently doing everything in your power to achieve an outcome, then start doing it today! If you already are, then sit back and relax, taking solace in the understanding that you’re doing everything you can and cannot ask more of yourself.
It may be worthwhile to step back and assess whether or not this is a matter of a deficit in a particular skill set or something in which allowing yourself more time to reach the original goal is all that is needed.
These are the questions that successful people ask themselves when encountering roadblocks to the outcomes that they want to achieve. As soon as you begin attaching your self worth to these outcomes, you’ll likely be overcome with emotion and less capable of using sound logic to increase your chances of success later down the road.
In order to overcome failure, you must experience a dramatic shift in your outlook on the meaning of failure and success.
No matter how much you want to be a smooth, slick, perfect Hollywood movie star like Warren Beatty (wait… TOO SOON?!!??) if the steps that you are capable of taking to bring yourself closer to that goal are limited at this point in time, you’ll be subjecting yourself to a constant state of stress by continually expecting yourself to achieve
greater results.
Patience will be your friend in changing your thinking about these fundamental concepts and it is also a virtue that nearly all successful individuals possess in ample amounts.
Remember: You’re going to make mistakes… and that’s okay… I make mistakes all the time… the keys are to Never Give Up. Keep trying. Do the best you can and focus on the process instead of the outcome. The final result will be success!
Kick Butt with Your Marketing and …DWYL & LWYD!
Brad Ross