Let’s face it:
Magicians are pretty lucky people.
We get to do what we love for a living… bringing joy and laughter to people around the world.
Best of all, we get invited to all of the nicest parties & events!
I’ve been lucky to do what I love for a living for a very long time. I have a career spanning back to the 90’s… GOD that makes me feel old! LOL
I’m thrilled that doing what I love as a career has been financially successful for me as well.
I’ve performed magic almost everywhere. In the local market its been birthday parties & day cares to school assemblies, libraries & fundraisers. On the international level, I’ve completed multiple world tours, performed on the biggest stages, casinos, theaters, cruise ships, theme parks and 500+ TV programs.
Ya know, if you told the 5 year old version of Brad Ross that he would have done all of that in the first half of his career… it would have made his head spin! If you told that to the teenage Brad Ross, it would have sounded like a dream come true.
Its funny, sitting here typing this and recounting all of the opportunities I have had, really fills me with joy and pride. It makes me grateful.
But it hasn’t always been that easy or enjoyable for me to get to these career milestones.
For years I went about the “business” part of magic blindly. Occasionally, I’d send out a mailer or pick up the phone and try to get myself booked somewhere. It was all a shot-in-the-dark. Strictly coincidentally, I did OK because I had a decent act. But consistency was not part of my professional vocabulary in my early days in show biz.
20 years ago that all changed.
I made a conscious decision to get serious about my magic career. At the time, I was a college student with mounting bills and growing debt. I really wantd to make a career out of magic.
I knew deep inside that I could make serious money doing this stuff if I only applied myself. And I was right!
Once I knew “The Secret” and started consistently applying the concepts I was learning, my income soared and stayed at an executive level salary.
No more wondering how the rent was going to get paid. No more having to “rob Peter to pay Paul” so I could invest in a decent business card, promotional photos or a website.
As a result, my life changed dramatically – almost overnight!
And believe me, everything I did is easily duplicated. Sure, I have a great show and do a great job out there, but I am no Shin Lim or Dai Vernon.
So, what’s the secret?
What I did was much more concrete than sitting around visualizing my success. Sure, that may be a small part of it. But there are specific ACTION steps everyone must take to succeed…
I immediately surrounded myself with those that were actually enjoying massive success in the real world and started doing what they did – consistently!
Pretty simple stuff really.
Tony Robbins said it best… “If you want to do something, find someone who is doing it and do what they did!”
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Simply find success and duplicate it. You will then have the freedom to blaze your own trail!
Tomorrow I’ll share a few more SECRETS of SUCCESS I have built my career on.