
Business of Shows 
Facebook Group Rules

Our FREE Facebook community is a place to come together to share insights, tips, questions, answers and most importantly support for one another in their entrepreneurial journey.

As you can see we run a tight-knit (and big… AND GROWING BIGGER) community, and we aim to preserve the quality of the group at all times.

Which is why we have created and enforce these rules on a daily basis.

Please read through all of them as we roll with a zero-tolerance policy and you will be removed and banned if you break any of the rules.

We want you to enjoy your time in the group and feel comfortable making friends, sharing helpful stories and information, and getting feedback.

In return, we ask that *anything* that is shared in the group be kept private and not shared, discussed, or re-posted anywhere else. Please be reminded, though, that we cannot control whether everyone follows this rule, and cannot be responsible if another group member shares information you posted. Use your best judgment before sharing personal or valuable information!

Rules are rules! Everyone is expected to be familiar with and abide by the Facebook terms of use and community guidelines.

We believe that most people have the best intentions and want to make the world a better place, but we understand that there are a few that do not always fulfill that belief. After careful consideration of our legal obligations, we cannot allow conversations that identify these wrongdoers to go on in the group. We understand that others may benefit from being warned, but that must take place elsewhere.

We hope you understand why we will delete threads or posts that fall into this category to avoid legal risk to us, but hope that you are able to pursue your

rights- and protect others- elsewhere. Thank you for understanding. If the wrongdoer is a member of the group, please message us privately to discuss further. We may exercise our right to remove that person from the group.

So with that being said, let’s dive in…

First – let’s get the Legal Stuff Outta the Way:

As the owner of the group, I reserve the right to post about my products and services at any time, and to put promotional days on hold during my launches or for any reason. I won’t spam you, but please understand that you may see my promotions from time to time.

I love to celebrate my clients’ success and to share tips and advice for marketing & growing their entertainment business.  I believe in each and every group member, but it’s important that you understand that many factors are involved in success. Everyone is different and may have different results. The information I share is not a promise of results you can expect. Please use your common sense and best judgment in determining whether a program or service is right for your exact circumstances.

The Business of Shows, Illusionary Magic LLC and Brad Ross does not endorse any group member, or their products or services. We are not affiliated with or related to anyone in the group, and you are reminded to check carefully into anyone in this group who offers a product or service before buying it. We do our best to enforce the rules, and no one outside of our company should be selling anything in this group, but occasionally a “bad apple” will slip through. We simply cannot be responsible if you purchase from someone who is unscrupulous.

No self-promotion is allowed (except for in our Thursday Throwdown thread) OR where otherwise explicitly stated.

So, what do we consider self-promotion?

Definition of self-promotion:

– Selling anything – that means products, services, courses, events and programs…anything that feeds your bottom line
– Promoting your webinar, live broadcast, survey, polls or event
– Posting a link to your website, your social profiles or even your personal FB profile.
– Posting affiliate links. That’s just wrong.
– Posting your own content in the group and not in a specific (and relevant) thread.

This includes posting links to surveys or creating polls or surveys in the group, posting photos with your social handles, URLs or business name on them.

– Posting “free” offers. These will be deleted and you will be removed…even if you have the best of intentions.
– Posting content that is the length of a blog post, even if there is no link attached.

If we have to scroll, scroll, scroll to read your post, we encourage you to post it on your own site and not in this group as it will be deleted.
– Posting market research related questions.

We have a zero tolerance policy for posting of affiliate links. These links require many disclosures and other legal requirements, and therefore the best policy is to avoid these links altogether in the group. Thanks for understanding.
This is not the group for it and we encourage you to ask YOUR OWN audience.

**Note: We may break our own rule and promote something if we feel as though it is of service to the group and beneficial to growing your show business. We reserve that right as it is OUR group and community.  If you are not cool with that, it’s best you remove yourself now.**

The ONLY way to post inside this free FB Group is to keep your posts WITHIN these 3 categories: Ask, Praise, Give.
ASK = Any question you may have around your business (still no links allowed) that you’re stumped on.

This does NOT include market research questions, ie. “I’m thinking of creating {name of offer} who here would be interested in it.

That does NOT fly in this group.

PRAISE = Any wins you are celebrating OR any fellow members you wish to spotlight and celebrate.
Again, NO links allowed and no requests to PM you to “find out more”.
You will be removed without warning.

GIVE = Any tips, strategies, lessons or insights you have learned along the way.

This group is meant to be a drama-free place for people who are on the same page. Not everyone is a fit for the group, and so I reserve the right to remove members without advance warning who are not abiding by the rules, showing respect toward others, or otherwise not going with the flow
Again, there are no links or “free” offers allowed. No exceptions.

If you do not use #Ask #Praise or #Give in your post, it will be deleted without warning.

Let’s keep it real: We ALL know what you’re trying to do when you share these veiled, pitch-fueled stories.
And honestly? We think they are lame, irresponsible, misleading and sooooooo early 2000’s.
And those posts don’t fly in this group and WILL be deleted.

If you want to build a presence in this group, bring your A-Game and contribute.
We will share big wins and results based stories from our private clients and mastermind members, which again, we reserve the right to do so – as this is our group and we can verify the results.

**If you are not cool with that, it’s best you remove yourself now.**


Do not post in the group and ask people to PM or DM you to find out more about what you offer, how you can help or to work with you.

Your comments (and YOU) will be removed.


Be polite. Don’t be a schmuck! No second chances.

That means respecting people’s feelings, privacy and rights to their work.
If you’re rude or disrespectful or spammy…you will be banned, o’kuuurrrrr?


We do not allow rants, calling people out or complaints around how someone chooses to build or grow their business.
That is their business. Not yours. Rant on your own page, not this group and always examine why you might be feeling triggered around how someone chooses to market their business. IT’S THEIR BUSINESS!  Let them do what they want and live their life.


Provide genuine and helpful feedback and suggestions to others.
Ask questions. Give answers. Be the kind of supportive friend that you want and need on your entrepreneurial journey.
Remember: We are ALL here to help each other…so GIVE MORE than you take, please.


This is a NO. B.S. group.  Sometimes we may swear and we always tell it like it is.
If that offends you, this probably ain’t the group for you and you should remove yourself now before you get all up in a huff. *wink*

If you have a question about why your post was deleted, it’s because you broke the rules.
If you were removed from the group, it’s because you broke the rules.
If you want to know whether you can post something in the group (and you are using it as a way of remotely growing your business), it’s probably best you don’t post it.
Finally, we ask that you respect the time of our Admins and owners and not PM them through Facebook as they will not respond.

And if you don’t agree with ALL of these rules, kindly remove yourself from the group.

Other than that, let’s have some fun!

**Note: These rules are subject to change without notice. It’s on you to keep up.**


1. Don’t come in with a motive.
Instead, show up with the intention to connect, serve and help, not to sell, grow your business, list, audience or bottom line…we can all smell it from a mile away.

2. When creating a post, make it fun, original and helpful.
If it’s the same old long post with veiled sales content and a picture of you we see right through it and it will be deleted.
Remember, you MUST use #Ask, #Praise or #Give in your post…otherwise it will be deleted.

3. Don’t share the same content across 10 different Facebook groups.
Many people belong to those same groups and see your same posts repeated.
Know that that says more about you and your business than you realize.
Besides, the members of this group deserve better than that.

4. Show up daily for a set amount of time and then get back to business.
If you’re living in this group (or any group for that matter), you aren’t growing your business.
Harsh, but true.

5. If you show up just to post your content and not help out your fellow community members, they notice.
It’s a big group and while it may seem like people don’t notice your presence and how you show up, they do.

6. Share your thoughts and experiences because they are valuable to others.
We’re not gonna lie, this journey is a long and complicated one.The more insights and guidance, the better!
*big sigh of relief*  That was a long one!

If you’ve read all of these rules and still want to be a part of what this group is all about…then WELCOME! 🙂

We are excited to get to know you!  Now let’s connect and have some fun, shall we?