I hope you are enjoying this mini-course and believe me,
this is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s been fun to put this together!
Today we are going to be talking about my favorite step –
Step Three.
This is where you want all of your customers to be and it’s
where you’ll make your most money and have the most fun
at the same time!
I also refer to Step Three as “The Steel Trap”. Once
someone gets in, they’re not coming out.
This is relational and database oriented marketing at it’s best!
Your past clients are worth a ton of money to you. They are
the folks that have trusted you in the past. If you did your job
well, they love you and want you to succeed.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of your list!
For example – one of my coaching clients has 30 shows
on the books this month. No big deal. That’s the number
he’s comfortable with now and have found to be most
profitable and enjoyable.
The big deal is that 24 of those shows are repeat clients!
4 were referrals from past clients and only two are new
How easy do you think these shows were to book?
There was no sales pitch. No phone script. No selling of
any kind.
It was just a matter of “Are you available?” and “How
much is your fee this year?” Pretty simple stuff.
All the time saved on these bookings allowed him to do other
things that he enjoyed much more than licking envelopes or
cold calling!
This is the beauty of my strategies I’m going to be revealing to you
and that you’ll learn at It Factor LIVE this November.
Additionally at It Factor LIVE I’ll reveal my exact campaigns for
making just this happen – and it runs almost by itself!
Check it all out here: http://www.ItFactorLIVE.com