Yesterday I started a somewhat touchy conversation – being brutally honest… and addressing the notion that…
NOT ALL Magicians & Entertainers Should be Doing Virtual Shows or Videos.
At least not until they learn the proper way to “go live” and create video content.
I got a bunch of emails from people saying THIS HAD TO BE SAID and they agreed! Plus folks were really excited about learning more.
That made me super happy – because here’s the deal…
1. VIDEO IS NOT NEW but DOING IT WELL MIGHT BE for you and many people in our industry. And that’s okay. We all have to take time to learn how to do things we aren’t good at right away.
2. VIDEO IS HERE TO STAY. I told you yesterday that I have been working with video for the last 20 years. The cool thing is that once you know HOW to create and produce GOOD VIDEO CONTENT – you will have that skill for life and be able to churn out new videos at the drop of a hat.
One silver lining this horrific Covid-19 pandemic will leave us with is the NEED to use more VIDEO in your business. So let’s get back to work.
Yesterday we talked about the mistakes I saw watching a bunch of magicians & entertainers marketing videos including:
- Poor Quality.
- No Point.
- No Presence.
If you missed that email – CLICK HERE to read it here on my blog.
Today I have….
2 BIG Mistakes Magicians are Making with Marketing Videos, Virtual Shows & Livestreams.
1. Doesn’t Fit a Niche
One of the most annoying class of videos that I ran into during my painful research across social media involves videos that try to be all things to all people at all times.
As you can already tell by my description of it, these videos are doomed to fail.
As the old saying goes, you can please all the people some of the time, but you cannot please all people all the time. That’s just not going to happen. It would be foolish of you to even try.
From a pure marketing standpoint – you cannot be ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE. You have to know your niche.
Also from a marketing standpoint – unlike big companies like Apple, Walmart, Verizon, we don’t have millions of dollars to spend on our marketing & advertising. So we cannot create content that EVERYONE will love. We have to focus on a niche.
And unfortunately, a lot of videos produced out there that are supposed to be marketing a particular service or product and trying to make money, don’t even bother to create a tight fit between their product’s niche and their video. They don’t even go through the motions. It’s as if they have forgotten the whole concept of niche.
Let me remind you, if you select the wrong niche, you’re probably going to lose money. If you no idea what YOUR niche is, then you’re probably just taking shots in the dark and are wondering why you’re not achieving any kind of success selling stuff online.
Niche is everything.
And these bad videos just committed one of the the cardinal sins of direct response marketing…being clueless regarding their niche, or failing to address their niche adequately. Whatever the case may be, they missed the mark. DON’T YOU DO THS TOO!
2. They Don’t Build Brands
Secondly, a lot of magicians & entertainer videos out there are bad because they don’t even bother to create brands. They really don’t.
These guys & girls just drop video after video, hoping against hope that somehow, some way, somebody would load the URL mentioned in the video and book them for a huge $100,000 gig.
No one does it… Nobody clicks the link… no gig is booked.
That’s why there are only ten views.
You have to build a brand, so that people are buying SOMETHING that is unique or at least appears to be unique.
Creating videos & content without a brand makes your business a commodity.
It’s just another face in the crowd.
It’s just another cog in the machine.
Totally replaceable and, unfortunately, totally forgettable.
Make no mistake, if you are serious about taking your video marketing results to the next level, you cannot take any of the factors I raised above lying down.
You have to roll up your sleeves and do some research, some hard planning and some hard work to make sure that your videos deliver the brand-building niche presence they need to truly make an impact.
That’s all for today… check back in with me tomorrow for some more Video Marketing Magic Awesome-Sauce!
Till then…
Stay Home… Stay Safe… Stay Healthy!